Wednesday, 28 March 2012

THOUGHTS: Astrology 'Star Signs' Are Just Lies

Allah, the Only God and Creator, said: "To God (Allah) belongs the knowledge of the unseen in the heavens and the earth and to Him do all affairs return. Worship Him (Allah) and trust Him. Your Lord (Allah) is not unaware of what you (creation/servants) do." (The Holy Qur'an: Surat Hud Verse: 123)
Allah knows best.

“Star Sign”
Some “Astrologers” claim that people with this sign are:
But that is not true:
active and adventurous.
I met a lazy “Arian” girl who was passive; she was only active in ‘sleeping’ every once in a while.
sociable, vainglorious born leaders.
There are “Leos” who are ‘vain’ and there are “Leos” who are ‘humble’. Not all “Leos” are born leaders, maybe others choose to be true followers.
intelligent, playful extroverts who love to socialize.
I met a “Gemini” girl who wasn’t academically intelligent, and who happened to be a shy introvert.
patient, ‘formal’ and stubborn.
Anyone can be patient when they need to be patient, anyone can ‘act’ formal at ‘formal gatherings’, and anyone can be stubborn when their beliefs are strong.
strong on the outside, emotionally weak on the inside.
Other ‘signs’ can also be sensitive or emotional.
excessive worriers and perfectionists.
Other ‘signs’ can ‘worry’ at times. “Leos” too can be perfectionists.
kind, creative, sensitive to others’ needs.
“Leos” can be kind. Many “Sagittarians” are so creative. And any “star sign” can be sensitive to people’s needs, not just Librans.
ambitious and ‘powerful’.
Not all “Scorpios” are determined and ‘powerful’.
adventurous, fun entertainers.
I had a ‘Sagittarian’ friend and classmate who was more ‘serious and studious’ than ‘funny and entertaining’.
serious, artistic and hardworking.
I had a “Capricorn” friend who was more ‘silly, fun and goofy’ than serious. One of my relatives is a “Capricorn” who isn’t, in my opinion, very creative.
compassionate, understanding extroverts
Many “Libras” and “Geminis” can be compassionate and understanding, many ‘signs’ are extroverted, not just “Pisceans”.
extroverts who can surely get along quite well with any Leo
big fraud. “Leos” are not always “compatible” with any “Aquarian”. I knew a “niqaabi” “Aquarian” whom I’m not interested in being friends with because she’s too different and uncreative.

Why you should not believe in astrology:
  1. Only God (Allah) knows what our true qualities/personalities are. No created thing can give us qualities which do not describe us.

    2. No human or created thing can ever comprehend the stars and galaxies that God (Allah) created. Only Allah knows the unseen. Knowledge of everything belongs to Him (Allah) alone.

    3. Do not rely on astrology regarding how your relationships with others should be. If the star sign of any one of your family members, say your mom, is an astrological sign that is incompatible with your astrological sign, does that mean that you and your mom will never be close to each other? No. Respecting and taking care of your parents is one of the keys to Jannah/Heaven, regardless of whether you are 'compatible' with them.

    4. If you really want to be close friends with someone you must:
    i. spend time with them as much as you can, when they want you to be with them
    ii. always defend them, if they are badly spoken about, in their absence and presence
    iii. never do anything that they do not want you or anyone to do -to them and to any of their loved ones and other friends

    5. have more than five things in common. Example: you both are creative, extroverted and of the same age, you both love cooking, writing poems and limericks (non-haraam ones of course), and educating others about Islam. < if you have five things in common with a Muslim, insha-Allah you both will 'click' and get along pretty well despite your 'star signs' being "incompatible".
 click on the image for larger view

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