Monday, 27 February 2012

ADVICE/TIPS: The Secret to Not Being Jealous

Something I've learned from experience // some advice I want to share:

If you have ever felt jealous of a Muslim because of a materialistic/worldly thing that they have achieved or gained, then:

::: Know that it is Allah who gives whatever He wants to whoever He (Allah) wills/wants. Allah is God. This whole universe and ourselves are His -we belong to Him. He (Allah) can do whatever He wills, as the God and King.

::: If Allah has given a Muslim something or an opportunity that you do not have, it is probably because
Allah believes that the 'gift' He gave is more suited/befitting to be given to that Muslim than to you.
Again, Allah is our Creator; He created all of us and thus know each one's abilities, needs and temperaments etc.

If you were a mother/father and you wanted to give all your 7 kids a present for doing well at school, you wouldn't give every one of them a pink barbie doll. What if two of your kids are boys? What if one of your daughters likes barbie dolls but the other really hates them? What if the other girl likes barbie dolls but prefers a doll with a blue gown instead of a pink one? And what if your other two daughters like barbie dolls but you know (since you are her mom/dad) that if you gave them a large collection of poems as their gift, they could memorize all poems and even start writing poetry at an early age? You know that because you're their parents.

Similarly, Allah, the King and Only God of all, gives whatever He wants to those who deserve them. If you are a true servant you would submit to Him (Allah) and accept what He (Allah) does.

::: If you act all jealous and are angry about Allah giving a Muslim something that you don't have, then you would be acting like Shaytaan who was so jealous of Adam and how the angels were commanded to bow down to Adam. By behaving like Shaytaan, you displease Allah and please Shaytaan. Will that attitude lead you to Heaven?

::: Not every materialistic thing that some Muslims get in their lives are 'good things'. They could be a 'test' from Allah -to test them, if they prefer Allah to this world or if they keep themselves busy with the material world and completely forget about Allah. If they chose the latter (being too materialistic while being negligent of Allah), they could end up as inhabitants of Hell.

Allahu A'lam.

If you are jealous of a non-Muslim because he/she gets to drive in luxury cars, own so many clothes and accessories, live in mansions, and party 'all the time' etc. just tell yourself:

"I would never be jealous of someone whose ultimate destination is Hell, and who is hated by Allah and His angels."

Sometimes when Allah bestows something to someone, Muslim or non-Muslim, it is because of a good deed that they have done or a good quality that they have which Allah appreciates.

So when Allah blesses a Muslim with one dozen children, it could be because of that Muslim's frequent du'as/supplications and talking to Allah.

When Allah destines a non-Muslim to become a billionaire it could be because of that non-Muslim's patience when he struggled as a child or even due to that man's hard work.

When I was trying to figure out why one of my relatives got to get married to a rich man who is good-looking, patient with her and loving, and she gets to travel abroad when she can, I realized that the possible reason why Allah has shown her much mercy is probably due to her adhering to the salaah/prayer and always trying to pray on time when the salaah time comes. Masha-Allah!

Allah is the Most Just and Most Merciful; He always rewards good with good, despite the belief you try to follow. If you're a Muslim, you'll not only be rewarded in this world but also in the Hereafter.


THOUGHTS TO SHARE: Did you know?

I have learned that:

It takes about:
1 minute to say SubhanAllah wa Bihamdih 100 times (fast but pronouncing the words correctly)

45 seconds to say AstaghfurAllah 100 times (if you say it fast -of course pronouncing the phrase correctly)

30 to 45 minutes to recite Surat Al-Kahf (depending on how fast you recite the Surah)
Note: it is a Sunnah to always recite Surat Al-Kahf on every Friday

not more than 6 minutes to recite Surat Al-Mulk
Note: always recite Surat Al-Mulk every day and night

1, 2, or 3 minutes for a Muslim to perform ablution/wudhoo
about 15 seconds for a Muslim to perform ablution with haste/too much speed
about 10 or 15 minutes for a Muslim with OCD to perform ablution

So you can stop suffering from OCD insha-Allah, follow these 3 steps:
1) Ask yourself, 'Did the Prophet Muhammad (SallAllahu 'alaihi wa sallam) keep repeating his ablution and salah over and over again?
2) By repeating your wudhoo/ablution and prayer unnecessarily you are just wasting your time and energy, and it may be that while you keep repeating your ablution or salah, the time for that prayer you wanted to pray is over, so that you missed that salah while the next salah/prayer time has started.
3) Those thoughts that keep telling you 'maybe you missed a spot' or 'you forgot to say Bismillah' 'or you didn't say it right, start over again', could be whispers from Satan/Shaytan.

Shaytan wants you, Muslim with OCD, to feel that performing ablution and the salah/prayer is a burden until in the end you give up praying. AstaghfurAllah!

Trust in Allah. And keep ignoring the whispers of Shaytan. May Allah guide us all to what He (Allah) loves and keep us away from what He (Allah) hates. Ameen.