Monday, 16 April 2012

ADVICE/TIPS: Choosing The Right Friends

Choose Your Friends Wisely
(true friends v.s. 'wrong' friends)
Choose Your Friends Carefully

There Are Two Kinds of Good Friends:
1) Those Muslims who will lead you to Heaven
2) Those Muslims who will follow you to Heaven

1) Befriend a Muslim whom God (Allah) loves and who truly loves Allah, for the sake of Allah. Befriend a Muslim who can always advise you to fear Allah, a Muslim who keeps reminding you to do more good deeds, a Muslim who cares about how Allah sees them and never cares about the opinions of sinners.

2) Befriend a Muslim whom you feel you can be safe from their hands and tongue (verbal and non-verbal actions) for the sake of Allah.

It was narrated that the Messenger Muhammad (SallAllahu 'alaihi wa sallam) said that a (true) Muslim is one from whose hands and tongue (i.e. speech) the Muslims are safe. Allah knows best.

3) Befriend all of your Muslim relatives (including near and distant cousins) as that is also a means of maintaining close family ties/relations, for the sake of Allah.

There Are Two Kinds of Evil Friends:
1. Those who will lead you to Hell
2. Those who will follow you to Hell

1) Do not befriend a person of bad morals and evil character. Say to yourself, "If they're not 'GOOD' enough, then they really are not good enough to be my friend."

2) Do not befriend a person who, on their first weeks of getting to know you, insult or does something wrong to you or any of your family members. A person who offends you in their first meetings is most likely to prove disrespectful to you and/or to your loved ones in the future.

3) Of course, never befriend Satan (Shaytan) and his evil followers. Never befriend any of Satan's friends. Likewise, never befriend someone whom you know is working for someone who has bad motives against you.

Always note that whoever is a friend of God (Allah) will never feel alone, for why would a Muslim ever feel 'lonely' when he/she is a friend of the King of all 'kings', the Maker of all 'makers', the Owner of the whole universe and everything surrounding us, the Judge of all 'judges' and the Creator of the created. He/She who has Allah (as a friend) is lucky, while he/she who is cursed by Allah is most unfortunate that he/she is despised by God and His Angels.

Allah knows best.


THOUGHTS: Life With Two Destinations

"Be quick in the race for forgiveness from your Lord (Allah) and for a Garden (Heaven) whose width is that (of the whole) of the heavens and of the earth, prepared for the righteous (believing Muslims)."

Life is Like A Marathon Race
With Two Destinations:
One To Heaven,
One To Hell

Two Kinds Of People Who Compete In Life:
1) Those who compete against each other to Heaven:
Through correct belief and sincere good deeds
Examples of thoughts of those who run towards Heaven:
"Let's see who:
~ can fast the most number of Sunnah fasts, for the sake of Allah
~ can memorize the whole Qur'an earliest, for the sake of Allah
~ amongst us is most punctual for the daily salahs and prays most perfectly, for the sake of Allah
~ has the best manners and character that pleases Allah and His Messenger (SallAllahu 'alaihi wa sallam), for the sake of Allah
~ communicates with Allah the most and is among those most closest to Allah, for Allah's sake
~ will be nearest Allah and His Messenger Muhammad (SallAllahu 'alaihi wa sallam) in Heaven
~ can guide the most number of people to Islam, for the sake of Allah" etc.

2) Those who compete against each other to Hell:
Through disbelief, atheism and evil deeds

Examples of thoughts of those who run towards Hell:
"Let's see who:
* can make the most number of videos that can keep people away from God (AstaghfurAllah
* is most 'up to date with fashion' for the sake of pride (AstaghfurAllah)
* can earn the most number of fans while committing sins that lead to Hell (AstaghfurAllah)" etc.

The similitude/example of believers who compete against each other to Heaven is that of passengers who are competing against each other to take the free seats on a FIRST CLASS flight.

The similitude/example of disbelievers/sinners who compete in doing evil deeds is that of ignorant fools who are running towards a boiling pit of hell. "So you think you can be the first to dance in Hell?"

AstaghfurAllah. AstaghfurAllah. AstaghfurAllah.
Allah knows best.