It was narrated that Allah's Messenger Muhammad (SallAllahu 'alaihi wa sallam) said: "Angels (of Mercy) do not enter a house wherein there is a dog or a picture of a living creature (a human being or an animal)."
The example/similitude of Allah's Angels refusing to enter a house where there is a dog or where there are images of living beings hung on the wall is that of:
1) A student who refuses to study with another student in their room because the latter keeps many pets in their room which the former student is allergic to:
"Thanks for the invite, but I'd rather study in so-and-so's room. See, she doesn't keep any pets, unlike you... your room is full of cats which I'm allergic to."
2) A flight passenger who is invited to sit in the front seats which are empty but rejects the idea because they want to avoid looking at some people they very much dislike:
"I know they're empty, but I'd hate to sit near those people I so hate."
3) A friend, who happens to be the leader/captain of her team, upon being invited by her teammates to play at a new sports club refuses because she hates to be anywhere near a certain someone whom she has no plans of befriending:
"You all know I love playing indoor soccer and tennis but as long as so-called 'MaryMoMo' is there I'm not going in there. I'd much rather read a mathematics book than be with miss artificial."
Angels are clean, perfect, pure, free of every sin. Dogs are unclean and impure.
Angels hate dogs. Angels and dogs don't ever get together.
If you want your homes to be blessed with the companionship of Allah and His Angels,
Then keep dogs out, and on walls don't hang any pictures of living beings.
In Islam: Muslims are forbidden to keep dogs as pets. That doesn't mean that Muslims should mistreat dogs. Kindness to animals, in Islam, is a virtue -one of the good deeds that can insha-Allah please Allah. Be merciful to those on earth and the One (Allah) in the Heavens will have mercy on you.
Allah knows best.
Allah knows best.