Tuesday, 17 April 2012

ADVICE: No Dogs Allowed In Islam

It was narrated that Allah's Messenger Muhammad (SallAllahu 'alaihi wa sallam) said: "Angels (of Mercy) do not enter a house wherein there is a dog or a picture of a living creature (a human being or an animal)."

The example/similitude of Allah's Angels refusing to enter a house where there is a dog or where there are images of living beings hung on the wall is that of:

1) A student who refuses to study with another student in their room because the latter keeps many pets in their room which the former student is allergic to:
"Thanks for the invite, but I'd rather study in so-and-so's room. See, she doesn't keep any pets, unlike you... your room is full of cats which I'm allergic to."

2) A flight passenger who is invited to sit in the front seats which are empty but rejects the idea because they want to avoid looking at some people they very much dislike:
"I know they're empty, but I'd hate to sit near those people I so hate."

3) A friend, who happens to be the leader/captain of her team, upon being invited by her teammates to play at a new sports club refuses because she hates to be anywhere near a certain someone whom she has no plans of befriending:
"You all know I love playing indoor soccer and tennis but as long as so-called 'MaryMoMo' is there I'm not going in there. I'd much rather read a mathematics book than be with miss artificial."

Angels are clean, perfect, pure, free of every sin. Dogs are unclean and impure.
Angels hate dogs. Angels and dogs don't ever get together.

If you want your homes to be blessed with the companionship of Allah and His Angels,
Then keep dogs out, and on walls don't hang any pictures of living beings.

In Islam: Muslims are forbidden to keep dogs as pets. That doesn't mean that Muslims should mistreat dogs. Kindness to animals, in Islam, is a virtue -one of the good deeds that can insha-Allah please Allah. Be merciful to those on earth and the One (Allah) in the Heavens will have mercy on you.

Allah knows best.

Monday, 16 April 2012

ADVICE/TIPS: Choosing The Right Friends

Choose Your Friends Wisely
(true friends v.s. 'wrong' friends)
Choose Your Friends Carefully

There Are Two Kinds of Good Friends:
1) Those Muslims who will lead you to Heaven
2) Those Muslims who will follow you to Heaven

1) Befriend a Muslim whom God (Allah) loves and who truly loves Allah, for the sake of Allah. Befriend a Muslim who can always advise you to fear Allah, a Muslim who keeps reminding you to do more good deeds, a Muslim who cares about how Allah sees them and never cares about the opinions of sinners.

2) Befriend a Muslim whom you feel you can be safe from their hands and tongue (verbal and non-verbal actions) for the sake of Allah.

It was narrated that the Messenger Muhammad (SallAllahu 'alaihi wa sallam) said that a (true) Muslim is one from whose hands and tongue (i.e. speech) the Muslims are safe. Allah knows best.

3) Befriend all of your Muslim relatives (including near and distant cousins) as that is also a means of maintaining close family ties/relations, for the sake of Allah.

There Are Two Kinds of Evil Friends:
1. Those who will lead you to Hell
2. Those who will follow you to Hell

1) Do not befriend a person of bad morals and evil character. Say to yourself, "If they're not 'GOOD' enough, then they really are not good enough to be my friend."

2) Do not befriend a person who, on their first weeks of getting to know you, insult or does something wrong to you or any of your family members. A person who offends you in their first meetings is most likely to prove disrespectful to you and/or to your loved ones in the future.

3) Of course, never befriend Satan (Shaytan) and his evil followers. Never befriend any of Satan's friends. Likewise, never befriend someone whom you know is working for someone who has bad motives against you.

Always note that whoever is a friend of God (Allah) will never feel alone, for why would a Muslim ever feel 'lonely' when he/she is a friend of the King of all 'kings', the Maker of all 'makers', the Owner of the whole universe and everything surrounding us, the Judge of all 'judges' and the Creator of the created. He/She who has Allah (as a friend) is lucky, while he/she who is cursed by Allah is most unfortunate that he/she is despised by God and His Angels.

Allah knows best.


THOUGHTS: Life With Two Destinations

"Be quick in the race for forgiveness from your Lord (Allah) and for a Garden (Heaven) whose width is that (of the whole) of the heavens and of the earth, prepared for the righteous (believing Muslims)."

Life is Like A Marathon Race
With Two Destinations:
One To Heaven,
One To Hell

Two Kinds Of People Who Compete In Life:
1) Those who compete against each other to Heaven:
Through correct belief and sincere good deeds
Examples of thoughts of those who run towards Heaven:
"Let's see who:
~ can fast the most number of Sunnah fasts, for the sake of Allah
~ can memorize the whole Qur'an earliest, for the sake of Allah
~ amongst us is most punctual for the daily salahs and prays most perfectly, for the sake of Allah
~ has the best manners and character that pleases Allah and His Messenger (SallAllahu 'alaihi wa sallam), for the sake of Allah
~ communicates with Allah the most and is among those most closest to Allah, for Allah's sake
~ will be nearest Allah and His Messenger Muhammad (SallAllahu 'alaihi wa sallam) in Heaven
~ can guide the most number of people to Islam, for the sake of Allah" etc.

2) Those who compete against each other to Hell:
Through disbelief, atheism and evil deeds

Examples of thoughts of those who run towards Hell:
"Let's see who:
* can make the most number of videos that can keep people away from God (AstaghfurAllah
* is most 'up to date with fashion' for the sake of pride (AstaghfurAllah)
* can earn the most number of fans while committing sins that lead to Hell (AstaghfurAllah)" etc.

The similitude/example of believers who compete against each other to Heaven is that of passengers who are competing against each other to take the free seats on a FIRST CLASS flight.

The similitude/example of disbelievers/sinners who compete in doing evil deeds is that of ignorant fools who are running towards a boiling pit of hell. "So you think you can be the first to dance in Hell?"

AstaghfurAllah. AstaghfurAllah. AstaghfurAllah.
Allah knows best.

Friday, 13 April 2012

ADVICE/TIPS: 30 Things That Every Muslim Must Do Everyday

Thirty Things That Every Muslim 
Should Do Every Day And Night

30 things that every Muslim should do every day and night:
  1. Always purify your niyyah/intentions before doing or saying anything.
  2. Say the adhkaar as-sabaah (words of remembrance of Allah) in the morning, after Fajr.
  3. Say the adhkaar al-masaa (words of remembrance of Allah) in the evening, before or after salatul Maghreb.
  4. Say 'SubhaanAllah wa Bihamdih' 100 times everyday (this doesn't take more than 3 minutes).
  5. Always say 'Bismillah' before eating and drinking.
  6. Always say 'Alhamdulillah' after eating and drinking.
  7. Always say 'Alhamdulillah' whenever you sneeze.
  8. Always respond to a Muslim who says 'Alhamdulillah' when they sneeze by saying 'YarhamukAllah'.
  9. Be the first to say salaam to at least three Muslims every day and night.
  10. Recite Ayatul Kursy after every obligatory salah.It is said in a Hadith that whoever makes it a habit to recite Ayatul Kursy after the daily prayers will surely be admitted to Heaven/Jannah and nothing can keep them away from Heaven except for death, one must first go through it. Allah knows best.
  11. Recite Surat Al-Fatihah, Surat Al-Ikhlaas, Surat Al-Falaq and An-Naas, Ayatul Kursy and other ayahs/surahs before sleeping/napping.
  12. Always say the specific du'a before you leave your house/office etc.
  13. Always say the specific du'a when entering a house/office/room etc.
  14. Say the specific du'a when walking to the masjid.
  15. Say the specific du'a when entering the masjid and when exiting the masjid.
  16. Say the specific du'a upon riding your car/vehicle, plane etc.
  17. Keep remembering Allah as often as you can so that when you leave this world you insha-Allah leave with Allah's Name on your lips.
  18. Renew your faith every day and night by saying 'Laa ilaaha ilAllah Muhammad RasoolAllah' sincerely to please Allah.
  19. Enjoin good deeds and forbid evil deeds whenever given the chance.
    Example: if you see a sister not wearing the hijaab properly, remind her to fix her hijaab. If you see a brother who isn't paying any attention to the adhan, remind him to perform ablution and go to the masjid.
  20. Recite Surat Al-Mulk every day and every night, especially before going to sleep.
  21. Read at least two pages of the Qur'an every day.
  22. Read at least three Hadiths every day or an Islamic article/book every day.
  23. Assist/help a Muslim in doing a good deed.
    Examples: 1) Help out in washing the dishes 2) Help clean up the house 3) Maintain the cleanliness of your bathrooms 4) Arrange bookshelves 5) Water your garden 6) Cook for your parents 7) Share Islamic knowledge/information with your spouse etc.
  24. Maintain the daily salahs, always praying on time and with as much serenity and concentration as you can.
  25. Every day and night remember Allah's blessings or good memories given to you and then thank Allah for them.
  26. Remember the sins you used to do, promise to avoid the same mistakes, and keep begging Allah to forgive you. Be among those who shed tears when thinking about Allah. Among the seven types of Muslims who will receive Allah's Shade on the Day of Judgement are those Muslims who used to shed tears when remembering or communicating with Allah.
  27. Every day or night make sure that you teach at least one Muslim something related to Islam.
    Example of topics: How to strengthen your Iman, why going to Heaven may be difficult while going to Hell is easy, why those who are loved by Allah are those Muslims who are blessed with Islamic wisdom etc.
  28. Always say 'thank you' or 'JazaakAllahu Khair' to a Muslim who does you a favor.
  29. Every day or night, watch at least one Islamic video OR read a few pages from an Islamic book OR read the Qur'an in your native language besides Arabic
  30. Every day and night always know that Allah is watching you at all times and that your deeds and actions will surely be accounted/judged on the Day of Judgment.

    Allah knows best.

PERSONAL: Shout-Outs / Salaams

Shout-outs, salaams, sorry and thank you
to the following classmates/schoolmates
who were nice friends
and gave me many good memories :)
May Allah forgive us Muslims
and have mercy on us always. Ameen.

In no particular order:
1) Shomaila / Shomyla Khan
2) Anum Imraan
3) Reem from (Manarat Al-Riyadh Schools -English Section)
4) Sundus Ali / Sundus Saboor
5) Fatma Aliyan
6) Sahar Naseem
7) Saba Fatima Zahid
8) Farah (Muhammad?)
9) Huda Humayoun
10) Afra Mushir Siddique
11) Najwa Muhammad 'Abdu
12) Salma Abdul-Hady
13) Sarah Al-Bulooshy
14) Eemaan 'Eesaa
15) Amal Abu Basha
16) Dina Esmat
17) Noor Esmat
18) Sarah (bus mate from Yemen)
19) Aya Faris
20) Aamna Hassaan (the Arab one)
21) Ruba Moussa
22) Nada Adeeb
23) Aamena El-Shaer
24) Sarah Al-Qahtani
25) Nadia Akhtar
26) Agnes Sweileh (May Allah guide you to Islam by His Will. Ameen.)
27) Youssra -from Sudan. I remember you writing on my white shirt something like 'don't let me be the last to know that you're married', so to let you know Alhamdulillah I am married :)
28) Salwa Muhammad 'Abdu
29) Dana Breik
30) Marianne Al-Rafaai
31) All those Muslims whom I've acquainted with at the Arabic (private and public) schools I went to, Al-Rowad International School and Middle East International School (Riyadh)

Don't let one day pass by without remembering Allah always.


Sunday, 8 April 2012

ADVICE: To The Hijabi Fashionistas

The example of those girls who are infatuated/obsessed with make-up and fashion is that of: a traveler or tourist who travels with an empty bag an examinee who, instead of writing an essay for their exam like they were asked to, spent all his examination time decorating his sheets of paper and doodling. what grade do you think is expected of one who doesn't answer the questions being asked?
 The example of those girls who are infatuated/obsessed with make-up and fashion is that of: a traveler or tourist who travels with an empty bag an examinee who, instead of writing an essay for their exam like they were asked to, spent all his examination time decorating his sheets of paper and doodling. what grade do you think is expected of one who doesn't answer the questions being asked?
It was narrated that Allah's Messenger Muhammad (SallAllahu 'alaihi wa sallam) said: "Allah does not look at your outward appearance and your wealth, rather He looks at your hearts and deeds."

This does not mean that Muslims
must look 'unseemly' or 'shabby',
no, for Allah is beautiful and He loves 'beauty'.
This means that we should focus
on what's more important,
like our Iman/faith, good deeds and
good Islamic personality,
Focus on pleasing Allah,
forget fashion that can divert you
from Allah's path,
if you live your life aiming to please people,
you may end up with Allah's wrath,
that is, if you come on Judgment Day
with an empty record of good deeds,
so do more good deeds for the sake of Allah,
for 'doing good and being good' is 'being beautiful'
to Allah, our God, the Most Powerful
who loves those Muslims
who are sincere and 'dutiful'

Allah knows best.

ADVICE: You Know You're A Good Muslim If

Muslim Checklist:
(A to Z) You know you're (insha-Allah) a good Muslim if:

a) you get upset that you overslept and missed praying the Fajr salah/prayer on time.
b) you always wake up your household/family for salah/prayer.
c) you find yourself saying 'Masha-Allah' and 'Insha-Allah' frequently.
d) you greet fellow Muslims always or most of the time with the salaam instead of 'hi'.
e) you always say 'SallAllahu 'alaihi wa sallam' when you hear the Prophet Muhammad's name.
f) you always purify your intention before doing anything, and make sure you do all good deeds for Allah's sake only.
g) you truly believe that there is only One God (Allah), and that Muhammad (SallAllahu 'alaihi wa sallam) is Allah's Messenger, and one of Allah's Prophets (among them David, Moses and Jesus).
h) you believe in angels who record good and bad deeds and that you will be questioned on the Day of Judgement.
i) you pray the five daily salahs/prayers everyday.
j) you understand the shortening and combining of salahs/prayers during travel.
k) you know that fasting on Mondays and Thursdays is a Sunnah, and that doing so will insha-Allah earn you reward.
l) you know the benefits of saying 'SubhanAllah wa Bihamdihi' one hundred times a day.
m) you don't mistreat your neighbors, even if they are non-Muslim, because Islam encourages good treatment of neighbors, and good manners.
n) you've cried before, at least once, while praying or listening to the Qur'an.
o) you always eat and drink with your right hand, and encourage Muslims to do the same.
p) you usually pray the Dhuha (Sunnah) prayer in the forenoon, at least two Rak'ats.
q) you say the adhkaar/words of remembrance after the five daily salahs/prayers (SubhanAllah 33 times, Alhamdulillah 33 times, Allahu Akbar 33 times, and Ayatul Kursy).
r) (if you're a brother) you let your beard grow and trim your moustache. (if you're a sister) you wear the hijaab, because you believe that Allah ordered you to do so, and in order to be different from non-Muslims.
s) you understand there is no such thing as nationalism, racism, and extremism in Islam.
t) you're not shy to say 'Alhamdulillah' when you sneeze.
u) you know the benefits of memorizing the Qur'an, especially Surat Al-Mulk.
v) you don't celebrate the Prophet Muhammad's birthday, knowing that he (SallAllahu 'alaihi wa sallam) never celebrated birthdays. you never celebrate your birthday nor anyone else's birthday.
w) you know that if you love Allah, you love His Messenger Muhammad (SallAllahu 'alaihi wa sallam); and if you love Muhammad (SallAllahu 'alaihi wa sallam), you follow his Sunnah/tradition.
x) you regularly recite Surat Al-Kahf every Friday, and know the benefit of doing so.
y) you always try your best to concentrate on your salah/prayer when you pray.
z) you are aware that the main purpose of your creation is to worship Allah and obey Him.

Allah knows best.